Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I need to use some discretion when choosing the play a session. So the other night I decided to fire up some HU 200NL with my friend Jason sweating me on Mikogo. We played 200NL for about 400 hands. I got up on him early 2 BI after some nice plays then lost 3 to him after playing very badly once he adjusted to me. I was a bit disgusted and at this point it was about 1am and I was totally exhausted and needed to sleep, but decided to just move back down to 100NL and play some more HU. I played this one guy on 2 tables for the next 900 hands or so and lost 8 BI to him playing super miserably, and running very badly. I lost 2 flips 1.5 and 1.75 stacked to him and got setup a few times but the more I lost and the later it got, I just played worse and worse. I need to learn from this and really use some discretion while playing sessions. I really should not play while I'm tired. I should also make an effort to keep all of my sessions short, I feel that I play at my best more so at the beginning.

At the end of the night I finished about -1100, which included -800 at 100NL, so bad. Here is the graph.

So now Im gonna drop back down to 100NL until I'm able to get 10BI back. I think this has been my achilles heel for a long time; play well for a long time then blow a lot during a long and poorly played session. Hopefully I can take something away from this.

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