Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Swing Start to New Year

So 2009 thus far has started off so so. The first 4 days I was on a nice heater and playing super well both at 6max and HU at NL200. I was at about +3k for the month within a few days. This was mainly due to the fact that HU play has made me much more aware of general poker play theory and has made me generally more aggressive. I went from 20/16 to 25/21 simply from playing HU. This winning got to my head however, and I spent the next few days playing SUPER LAG and dumped off about 1k. In the last day or 2 Ive played superb but running super bad. I played a little 6max session just now losing every flip and getting sucked out on a few times. I'm proud of myself despite this fact because I was still playing my A-game and really owning my tables. Just as I had about gotten back to even after 3 hours of grinding and running about ~700 below my all-in EV I ran into this gem.

Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Mighty S3rb (SB): $219.95
tuti77 (BB): $385.90
nickyballz (UTG): $200.00
Hero (CO): $596.55
Katarak (BTN): $211.45

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with 2 2
nickyballz raises to $7, Hero calls $7, 2 folds, tuti77 calls $5

Flop: ($22.00) 2 3 3 (3 players)
tuti77 checks, nickyballz checks, Hero bets $14, tuti77 calls $14, nickyballz folds

Turn: ($50.00) T (2 players)
tuti77 checks, Hero bets $34, tuti77 requests TIME, tuti77 raises to $101, Hero requests TIME, Hero calls $67

River: ($252.00) 7 (2 players)
tuti77 bets $263.90 all in, Hero says "sososososososso gross", Hero requests TIME, Hero says "dont you dare show me TT", Hero says "blah k", Hero calls $263.90

Final Pot: $779.80
tuti77 shows T T (a full house, Tens full of Threes)
Hero mucks 2 2
tuti77 wins $776.80
(Rake: $3.00)

The villain in this hand was as tight/passive as a regular that you can imagine. He pretty much has no imagination or agression in him and will just play his cards and do a lot of set mining. Looking back on this hand I really think I could have folded. If he had any aggression in him at all I obviously cant, but TT is the ONLY hand in his range here. I just hope this doesn't set me on some chronic tilt and knock me off of my true A-game which I have been playing lately.

On a side note I've been talking with <3_tha_grind from 2+2 and we've been sweating each others sessions and occasionally sharing some action. It's been going well and I think it's mutually benficial to each of us. I know he's a winning player so it's nice to just get half his action if I'm not in the mood to play. Also if I see someone at 2/4 or even 3/6 HU who is a total fish, it's nice to know that I might know someone who might be interested in sharing my action.

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