Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Big turn around on day 2

So day 2 of this little adventure took an extreme turn around. Went up 800 today at 100NL, hah. I played extremely well today, picked off a few bluffs, made a nice bluff of my own, and just played real solid. I ran pretty good today as well hitting some big hands when i needed to, and was able to win a coinflip with my draw + gutter vs top and bottom pair, for a stack.

This was the bluff I called

Hand 1

He was reasonably tight overall but play had just started to loosen up. Flop call was somewhat standard imo. On the turn i thought back to the flop and figured he probably wouldnt bet the flop with an ace (unless it was AT), a somewhat shaky assumption, it also just looks like a really nice double barrel card to him. And I called river on that same assumption, if he showed me AT there, oh well, and i highly doubted he could have some sort of 4, his pf raising range was somewhat narrow.

Nothing else was really that interesting, i just ran pretty well. I also tightened up my pf raising range and i think that helps a lot. I think i was playing a pf style that did not match my postflop style, loose pf and tight post flop. When playing HU, you generally dont need to worry about getting action. Lots of the regulars are obsessed with keeping their aggression up and play somewhat loose. And speaking of aggression i ran this bluff on a guy today I thought was pretty solid and intelligent enough to understand it:

Hand 2

He was playing very tight aggressive and 3betting be very liberally. His river bet represents AK but I think it also could be a bluff, the K is a great bluff card for him. Knowing how wide his 3bet range was I decided to do this. I think he may even be tight enough to fold AK to me in this spot. I took him off of any kind of overpair JJ or higher, he would have bet the turn with it. Put all these together and I think this is a decent spot to make a play.

Well in just two days I had a -11 BI day and then a +8 BI day. HU is going to be swingy.

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