Saturday, May 2, 2009

Why Not

Why not make a post here. It's been so long since I've done it and I was able to put in a nice session today at 100NL HU. This semester has been super busy with my classes and my flash programming. You toss in tennis club team and the USTA tournaments I have been playing in and I literally do not have time to sit and play. Really I have spread myself much too thin this semester and I just havent really played any poker at all as a result. Since I don't have time to play real sessions, I spend most of my time playing stupid short sessions on cake poker. The HU games there are much much softer than on FT and stars which has become a shit show in and of themselves. There are 30+ games of 1 reg at a table waiting and only like ~5 games actually running with 2 players. Everyone is bumhunting and its sort of ruining the HU games.

Anyway, I've been averaging about 8k hands per month or so. It's hard for me to tell since you cannot track cake hands. Whenever I play I forget how much I miss playing. My session today went so well. I was just mentally crushing the two opponents I was playing against. I think my constant agression was really running them over. There were a few times where I'd c-bet at a 223 type board and get a snap check/fold from my opponent even though they must know I have nothing since I was c-betting like 85% of the time. I would just think, "I have this guy just mentally beaten right now". Even though I have plenty of work on my shoulders pretty much at all times, I think I will find a way to put in some more hands tomorrow and just relax.

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