Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Place

So I got a new place in Amherst for the coming year. The computer science department offered me a full-time job with them programming educational software. It's a super plushy job with no real rules or real boss looking over my shoulder. I can pretty much come in whenever and leave whenever so long as I get my hours in. I can also work from home if I chose which is an added bonus. It doesnt pay the greatest as far as programming jobs go, but with the economy as it is I could be doing much worse. So ya, my place! It's 1900 sq ft 3 floor condo. It's owned by an older couple who uses it for their summer home and they just want someone to take care of it so it's fully furnished. It has a 80" HD projection screen w/ surround sound in the basement, a gas fireplace, a huge 2 person office, a private patio, marble counter-tops in the kitchen, memory foam beds, a covered parking space, just so so nice. It is pricey, but it's another luxury afforded to me through poker. My programming salary alone could never afford this place.

Poker in the month of september has been one of my best ever. I've been completely crushing 100NL HU and beating/running good at 100NL 6max. It's my best month ever in terms of BB, I'm up about ~3100 about 60/40 HU and 6max respectively. I've been doing everything right lately. Making huge calls and huge bluffs alike; really reading my opponents and exploiting their weaknesses. Here's the graph:

Then add ~950 on cake 100NL HU over about 6k hands. I've been playing super well, but the real test is seeing if I can maintain this level of play amidst an imminent downswing and run of shitty luck. That's all for now.